Jessie's Blog

EA Success Stories

The LIST — Congrats to the EA Class of '24

With great enthusiasm, we congratulate the Elevated Admissions Class of 2024! The acceptances were as stellar and varied as ever. 

Every one of our students did the satisfying but difficult work required: long hours of self-reflection, countless miles driven on college visits, and innumerable rounds of essay revisions to achieve an optimal application balance of self-promotion, vulnerability, and humility. 

We are so very proud of you and the lessons you taught us, and we can't wait to watch y…

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That Time My Teen Texted Me to ASK for a Haircut

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You can thank me now. I was going to write this week's post about ballooning college application volumes and what to do about them. Then, I got a haircut and felt a little lighter in a world full of heavy issues, and so... I digressed. Bear with me.

Today let's remind ourselves of the power of the small wins in life – like a great haircut – and the relief we feel when we realize that some of what we've struggled to communicate to our children actually sank in and we no longer have to worry abou…

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WOW! Just Wow! You and Your Team Clearly Delivered!

Meet Jesse. Jesse is a senior in high school @sussextech in Northwest NJ. Attending and succeeding in a project-driven, hands-on Engineering Program was not easy during COVID. Jesse has always liked to challenge himself and stay busy and fit but with virtual learning, he was left with more free time than he liked. The list of activities that were canceled was long: basketball, youth group, in-person classes, lifeguarding, weight room workouts, and engineering competition workshop projects.


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The #1 Roadblock Your Teen Can't Avoid

There is no limit to the amount of time and treasure we can invest in enhancing our children's potential. It can feel like there are endless educational and experiential opportunities to be had... because there are. It can also feel as if there's no limit to the expense those opportunities can amass. At the end of the day, we do our best with the means at our disposal to help our children realize their potentials, but as teens reach the cusp of adulthood, the stakes can feel higher. The added pr…

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Elevated Admissions Saved Us! 

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Jessie Martin and Elevated Admissions saved us! 

My son had begun his college application the summer before his senior year, and he had met with a local college advisor from another company. As we got closer to deadline day, we realized that he still had no idea where to apply or what to study in college, and his application was nowhere near where it needed to be. Based on many recommendations, we reached out to Jessie Martin at Elevated Admissions. 

With only three weeks before the early-admi…

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Our Daughter Went From Overwhelmed to Enjoying the Process

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“Our daughter attended a small, private elite prep school. The idea of hiring an independent educational consultant seemed absurd to me. Wasn’t she getting all of the support she needed from the school I was writing a hefty check to? The reality is that college admissions just isn’t as straightforward as it used to be. And, it’s a lot more completive. Our daughter had to write 18 different essays and she didn’t apply to a single Ivy League school.  I’m glad I let my wife talk me into hiring Jess…

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Jessie's Student-Centered Methodology Was Invaluable

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After interviewing several college consultants, our family felt an immediate connection to Jessie. Our son is a freestyle skier at a ski academy with limited availability due to the demands of training and competition. She and the team at EA created a manageable plan for him that met his needs and worked with his calendar. Her thoughtful approach to developing a relationship with our son enabled him to craft a unique and compelling application and ultimately secure ED admission to his top choice…

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I Hired Jessie Sophomore Year!

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Jessie has been helping and supporting my triplets since their sophomore year! We started with her at that time because the kids were looking to get additional advice as high achieving student-athletes (besides just that of their guidance counselor at school) as far as helping them with their schedules and deciding how many Honors and AP classes to take. She helped us in those early days with class selections, tutors, and SAT/ACT prep recommendations.

Then moving on to junior year, by that time…

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Jessie and Her Team Kept Me Sane

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Hollie, whose daughter was accepted at Muhlenberg University, wrote the following testimonial for Elevated Admissions. “Jessie was absolutely wonderful for Emily... She also kept me sane. Emily. Was a somewhat unique situation. We did not use a college coach when Emily was looking for colleges the first time around. She was a 4.0 plus student with all honors and AP courses. Emily also was going the student-athlete route. We decided on a small school outside of Boston. From the moment Emily arriv…

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Just the Right Amount of Pressure

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Jessie took her time to get to know Robert and get to know what his likes and dislikes were in school and in life. She also really spoke to him and listened to him about what was important to him in college. She understood my concerns as a parent as to the distance away a college was and the expense for each college. She worked to fit the college to the student. She encouraged Robert with just the right amount of pressure to meet his deadlines and really took the time to help him write an approp…

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